How to Love Your Self More in Ten Seconds

How to Love Yourself More

Welcome to this blog, where you’ll discover practical and simple ways to increase self-love in your life in just 10 seconds or less. Loving yourself is essential for personal growth and flourishing in life. It’s like watering a plant; neglecting to do so can lead to withering and an inability to thrive.

This blog will guide you through the process of loving yourself more with easy-to-follow practices that take less than 10 seconds. Like a mirror, how you feel about yourself is reflected in your world. You can see positive changes in your life and relationships by increasing your self-love.

The process of increasing self-love is like polishing a diamond. At first, it may seem rough and unrefined, but with each stroke of the polishing cloth, it becomes more brilliant and radiant. Similarly, with each act of self-love, we become more radiant and beautiful, shining brightly for all to see.

So, let’s dive in and learn how to nourish ourselves with self-love and create a thriving life.

Your External World Reflects How You Feel About Yourself

Your external world is reflecting your inner world like a mirror. Just as a mirror reflects your appearance, the external world reflects your internal state. If you see yourself in a negative light, the world around you will seem negative as well, but if you love and appreciate yourself, the world will appear brighter and more positive.

YOU are Spectacular!

As you come to understand how amazing you are, what you are capable of, what it took for you to exist, the magic of the life force that you are, you see yourself in a whole new light.

The “You are Spectacular” series of blogs is all designed to get you to re-think how you view yourself. Until now, you have most likely been conditioned to view yourself in a pretty negative light.

Increasing self-love is like adding sunshine to a garden. Just as plants need sunlight to grow and thrive, we need self-love to nourish our minds and spirits. Without it, we may wither and struggle to flourish.

Society is Designed to Make You Doubt Yourself

What aspect of society doesn’t give you a subtle suggestion that you are less than adequate? From media, including social media, magazines, television, education, religion, all give us suggestions that question our self-worth.

This is by design. The more each of us questions our self-worth, the less the less secure we are, the easier it is to manipulate us into acting against our best interests. This happens on so many levels. When we feel insecure, it’s easy for corporations to sell us anything. From shampoo to cars, electronics to fast food. The advertisements promise you security and confidence if you buy their products.

Negative Behavior is a Result of Lack of Self-Love

And you felt better for a moment. Then the inner void comes again, and we develop coping strategies to deal with the uncomfortable feelings. Some of us develop defense mechanisms that keep us isolated. We develop eating disorders. Some of us develop unhealthy habits. We each have our own way of dealing with the constant barrage of messages in society that tell us we are not worthy.

The fact is, you are the very sun, moon and stars! YOU ARE SPECTACULAR! And I’m going to prove it to you.

What ARE You?

Let’s start by understanding what you are.

You are alive. What does it mean to be alive?

Being alive means you are conscious. You are aware you exist; you are aware of your surroundings, you can sing, dance, love, chat with friends, go on hikes, see the beauty of a tree or hear the song of a bird.

What is it that gives you this ability? The Life Force does. What would you be without the life force?

You would be dead for one. What is your body without the life force? Nothing. Which means you aren’t your body. Without the life force, your body is useless. In fact, you could say your body is really a vehicle for the life force. Think of it like this: what is a car without a driver? Your body is the car that the life force drives. You are the life force.

This leads to the next logical question: what is the life force?

No one really knows what the life force is, but there is a consensus that it’s sacred. Which means you are sacred. Improve your life right now, by grasping the idea you are sacred.

The Number One Reason You are Spectacular

Your ability to love is really, truly spectacular. When learning how to love yourself more, examine the ability to love. It will open doors for you.

All spiritual paths and religions have one thing in common. They all agree God is love. Being in love is the key to being happy. You can be in love with the sky, a song, a person, your pet, artwork, and it is in this action we learn to love ourselves. Start consciously finding things to be in love with.

The more love you have in your life, the more fulfillment you gain. The more honest your fulfillment is, the more this feeling radiates to all life and even to the planets and stars. Then your world reflects this fulfillment. More opportunities for fulfillment become available to you.

Most of us go hunting for love. You will never find love until you can find love within yourself. Start the influx of love within yourself by falling in love with a tree, a bird, the sky, music. Start pouring love into yourself, and everything and everyone you encounter. The more love you give, the more love you receive.

Pour Love Into Everything to Improve Your Life

When you pour love into everything, you are spreading sunshine. Sunshine brings warmth and light to everything it touches; love brings positivity and joy to everything. By spreading love, you can brighten up your own life and the lives of those around us, just like sunshine illuminates everything it touches.

Pour love into things you enjoy, like the sun, the rain. Pour love into the forests, the ocean, the fish, dolphins, whales.

Pour love into things that need change, like the neighbor that keeps you up at night. The politician you don’t like. Pour love into the job you dislike. Keep pouring love into everything, and that love, which is limitless, will give you more love. The more love you give, the more love you receive. The more love you give, the more you improve your life.

Don’t forget to pour love into yourself.

If you want to know how to love yourself more, upon waking up, the first thing you do is pour love. This video shows the most powerful technique.

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