How to Tame Your Emotions
Welcome to this blog where you’ll discover two effective tips on how to tame your emotions, the first step in increasing your manifestation abilities-no matter if you are manifesting for health, wealth, love or enlightenment.
Strong emotions indicate you have a natural ability to manifest because motions are raw, primal creational energies that must be redirected to have results in manifestation. Desire itself brings this raw, primal, chaotic energy forward. The secret, according to the ancients, is to learn to redirect this powerful force to have success in manifestation.
When you let negative emotions run loose, you throw all your manifestations efforts of visualization out the window. If you want to change your life, getting a hold of your emotions is the first thing you need to do.
Perhaps you suffer from anxiety, or have anger issues. Can you feel how powerful that force behind those emotions are? Imagine being able to redirect that energy into creating a better life, a safer world.
Begin to see these emotions as an opportunity to use raw, creational forces to practice re-direction. Something magical happens when you do. It causes the creational energy to come into order and it begins to work for you, bringing desires into reality much faster, and at times it will fulfill a desire before you even realize you need it!
More emotions will come your way, all to be tamed through redirection, where your powers to manifest keep increasing. Every time you clamp down and refuse to let that wild inner beast called emotions run wild, you gain a bit more control over your ability to manifest.
Mastering your emotions is like learning to ride a bike. At first, it may be challenging and scary, but with practice and persistence, it becomes second nature. Once you learn the skill, you can ride effortlessly towards your manifestation destination without losing your balance.
For many of us, our emotions control us, like a wild horse that needs to be tamed. If you let it run wild, it will lead you astray and cause chaos. Leading to feelings of helplessness and frustration. But fear not! Getting your feelings under control will allow you to direct your energy towards building a fulfilled future. When I say that it’s like gaining a superpower that can propel you towards success, I mean it.
Let’s dive into the tips that will help you tame your emotions and take control of your life.
But first, some necessary information about emotions to help you understand the exercises provided that help you tame them.
Emotions Basics
There are Two Root Emotions, Love and Hate
Not All Emotions are Yours
We often think that the emotions we feel are uniquely our own, but in reality, there are two types of emotions we experience. On one hand, there are the emotions that are generated within ourselves, and on the other hand, there are the emotions that come from the collective consciousness.
Yup, you understood that right. Not all emotions you experience belong to you. The first thing you need do when an unpleasant emotion comes calling is to check in to see if it belongs to you. If not, you have three choices, to send it back with love, reverse it (instructions at the end of this post), or to feel it deeply for a moment and then let it go.
Reversing the emotions is very effective and helps clean the collective without your getting to involved, however, feeling it and letting it go does essentially the same. It processes the emotion for all of humanity.
Why we share emotions with others
The interconnectedness of everything is like a giant tapestry. Each individual thread may seem insignificant on its own, but when woven together, they create a beautiful and intricate design. Similarly, every atom and molecule in the universe may seem small and unimportant, but when combined, they create the fabric of physical reality.
The energy that fills us and moves the atoms is like a symphony orchestra. Each instrument plays a unique role, but together they create a beautiful and harmonious sound. Similarly, each atom and molecule plays a role in the dance of life, and together they create the energy that animates all living things.
The concept of everything being made from the same source is like a tree. The roots, trunk, branches, and leaves may all appear different, but they are all part of the same tree. Similarly, everything in the universe may appear different, but they are all manifestations of the same Source.
How can I claim this? Because if you remember your science lessons, atoms are almost entirely nothing but space. Yet, they make up everything in physical existence. To this day, no scientist has figured out what makes the atom move. Whatever that energy is that moves an atom, is the same energy that fills you with the life force. That makes it sacred because you can deduce from there, that “something” very intelligent is behind the dance of life.
You are made from atoms, so am I. So is everything your eyes can see. That makes everything you lay your eyes on holy ground.
In case you need a refresher on atoms:
Our troubles stem from the notion that you or anyone or anything are separate from Source.
So, when we see the devastation of war in the Ukraine or the plight of elephants dying from lack of water due to climate change, we are not separate from those experiences. All beings are expressing emotions about their experiences, and those expressions go into a collective cloud that we all feel.
When you’re minding your own business and suddenly feel a paralyzing fear, it’s not an emotion emanating from yourself. It’s an emotion that’s connecting to you through your inherent connection to all life. In this case, you would use the Reversal Technique to transform the emotion from the collective cloud. ( you could also feel it deeply and then let it go) By doing so, you are making the world a better place for all life.
Separation Consciousness is the Root of All Evil
For centuries, we’ve been deeply set in a mindset that is stuck in separation consciousness. This is the root of all suffering, as we cannot cause harm to any living being without that pain being mirrored in our environment.
The mindset of separation consciousness is like a prison cell. We are trapped within our own limited perceptions, unable to see the bigger picture beyond the bars. But by breaking free from this prison, we can see the world with new eyes and create a brighter future for all.
Right now, we are all experiencing the fallout from lifetimes of perceiving ourselves as separate from others, nature, and Source. But by transforming the emotions from the collective cloud and breaking free from separation consciousness, we can create a better reality for all.
The fallout from separation consciousness is like a polluted river. The toxins of fear, greed, and hatred have contaminated the waters of our collective consciousness, causing harm to all who drink from it. But by purifying these waters, we can create a clear and healthy environment for all to thrive.
Transforming the emotions from the collective cloud is like planting a garden. We must first cultivate the soil, removing any weeds and debris that may hinder growth. Then we must sow the seeds of love, compassion, and unity, nurturing them with patience and care. Eventually, these seeds will sprout and bloom into a beautiful garden, nourishing all who partake in its bounty.
Personal Emotions
Your Unique Experiences
Life is full of unique experiences, some of which can leave behind lingering negative emotions such as betrayal, poor decisions, abuse, and trauma. It’s important to remember that our suffering is not always caused by the memory of these events, but by the avoidance of the emotions they evoke. But by using the Tame the Beast Technique, we can process these emotions and be free of the pain they cause.
For example, I had to put my beloved cat, Quetesh, down due to kidney disease. Quetesh communicated to me that she didn’t want to die completely incapacitated, and she wanted to go with dignity. I honored her wishes and took her to the vet, but I was plagued with feelings of guilt for years afterwards. But one day, when that feeling came back to haunt me, I used the Tame the Beast Technique, and that feeling vanished, never to return.
These are emotions from my own inner world, stemming from my own experiences in life. And for these kinds of emotions, the Tame the Beast Technique is the key to unlocking freedom from the pain they cause.
Why We Avoid Our Emotions
And Why We Need to Remember How to Feel Again
Have you ever noticed how, when you fall in love, emotional intimacy becomes effortless and natural? For a brief time, the walls we’ve built to protect ourselves from feeling are momentarily torn down and giving and receiving become one and the same. It’s a glimpse of what it feels like to be anchored to the natural security of identifying as love.
But what causes us to lose touch with our feelings in the first place? It’s the avoidance of pain. When we feel emotional pain, we do everything in our power to protect ourselves from that experience because no one taught us how to work through uncomfortable emotions. That was our only recourse living in a society that does not support us to feel through the pain and work through it.
But avoiding our feelings only creates more pain. The pain experienced from the derivative effects of avoiding feelings is worse than the actual emotion being avoided. When we honestly acknowledge our painful feelings and use the Tame the Beast Technique, we can get to the root of the pattern that causes the pain in the first place. And the relief we feel is tremendous.
Avoiding or denying our feelings also robs us of the beauty of life. Love, joy, gratitude, and emotional intimacy with others are the nectar of life. When you see the majesty of a mountain, it’s the feeling it evokes that moves you. When we are emotionally mature, we can live life in awe. Awe, love, creativity, intuition, and communing with Source are all aspects of feeling. Feeling makes life juicy!
But not only does avoiding our feelings prevent meaningful connection to others, but it also creates a feedback loop that reflects back to us experiences that mirror our limitations. And every iteration of this mirror will get progressively stronger until a crisis of such magnitude forces us to face and accept it.
If you’re struggling with feeling your emotions, it’s important to understand that the memories themselves aren’t the cause of your pain. It’s the avoidance of the feelings from that experience that’s the real cause of your suffering. The first step is to question the idea that feelings are the cause of any misery. It will save you a lot of heartache in the end if you do.
How Did We Get Here?
You Were Engineered to NOT Feel
It’s important to remember that society is often designed to keep the rich in power and the poor working to make them richer. If we truly understood our own power and potential, there would be no more war, no one would be colonized, marginalized or taken advantage of by the wealthy. This is why society is designed to attack our dignity, self-esteem, and punish us for having feelings.
Nature intended for us to learn how to manage our emotions around the age of two. Toddlers get emotional over small things to practice working with feelings. They practice emotional development over events that have little long-term significance. But most of us were never taught or encouraged to handle these intense emotions. Instead, we were embarrassed, shut down, chastised, punished, and shamed for feeling so intensely. We learned to avoid our feelings to stay safe.
As adults, we tend to think that if we cut off our ability to feel, we can avoid our pain. But the pain experienced from the derivative effects of avoiding feelings causes more pain than the actual emotion being avoided. It’s true that you can dull your capacity to feel emotions and therefore anesthetize your immediate pain, but you also dull your capacity for happiness and manifestation. The truth is that you never really avoid the pain anyway.
Avoiding Emotions Robs You of the Nectar of Life
The pain you wanted to avoid comes in a much more painful and indirect way.
Depression and isolation are by products of dulling our emotions. It’s not possible to have meaningful relationships or joy without feeling. When we honestly acknowledge our painful feelings and employ practices like the Tame the Beast Technique, we can get a handle on these chaotic sensations. The moment we do, we feel a tremendous relief.
Love, joy, gratitude, and emotional intimacy with others are the nectar of life. When you see the majesty of a mountain, it’s the feeling it evokes that moves you. When we suppress our emotions, we miss out on the real juice of living in awe. Life becomes a trap of hopelessness. But when we tame our emotions and become emotionally mature, we can live life in awe! Awe, love, creativity, intuition, and communing with Source are all aspects of feeling.
Not only is avoiding emotions like a tightrope walker avoiding a safety net, creating anxiety because connecting with others is like trying to play a game of catch with a cactus, and the joy of life is like a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow you can see but can never reach, but the natural feedback loop system is like a boomerang that keeps coming back to hit you with experiences that are the reflection of your own limitations.
Every time this mirror reflects back, the image gets clearer and sharper, until a crisis of such magnitude hits you like a ton of bricks, forcing you to make changes. It’s like trying to run from your shadow, it will always follow you. Memories are like photographs, they may not cause pain, but it’s the avoidance of feelings from that experience that is like a splinter in your mind, causing you suffering.
The Feed Back Loop System
How Everything Feeds Back and Keeps Looping
Life is like a game of Tetris, it keeps coming at you with new challenges and obstacles, but it also provides you with the tools and opportunities to adapt, grow, and evolve. Just like the feedback loop in Tetris, life’s feedback loop propels you forward, instructing you as you go along. It’s through this feedback loop system that you learn, adapt and adjust your thinking, much like how a gamer adapts to a new level.
Each choice you make is like a new piece in the game, and you must live with the consequences of that choice. Every experience is like a level up, it teaches you something new and helps you interact with reality in a different way. It’s like how each new level in a game gives you new abilities and makes you a better player.
This is how life has refined itself to produce the human body with a cerebral cortex that provides self-awareness, much like how a game evolves to provide better graphics and more complex levels.
It’s important to realize that your reality is like a game, it’s a reflection of your thoughts, much like how the game is a reflection of the players choices. We all have the power to shape our reality through our thoughts, much like how a player shapes the game through his choices.
Life is like a blank canvas, and you are the artist. What you are able to bring into your physical reality is like the strokes of a paintbrush, and it depends on what you can imagine, much like the artist’s imagination. The more you can imagine, the more you can bring into your realm of experience, just like an artist can create a masterpiece with a vast array of colors.
Every possible experience from the darkest to the most radiant is possible, just like an artist can create a haunting piece or an uplifting one. There are no limits to what you can create, just like an artist can create whatever he desires.
The more you understand about how the levels of energy (vibration) work through your thoughts and emotions, the more you can control your reality, much like an artist knows how to use different brushes and colors.
Your thoughts and emotions are like the paint and the brush, they are the tools that you use to create your reality. The concept to grasp here is that your consciousness is the artist, it gives you access to limitless being, much like an artist that has access to a limitless canvas. When you understand that you are creating your reality through what you focus your attention on, you become aware of what you allow to have your attention, much like an artist is aware of what colors he is mixing.
You understand that it is your sacred right to determine what gets your attention, just like an artist has the right to determine the composition of his painting. When, through feeling, you are alerted to your attention being drawn to a negative point of view, you can transform and redirect that energy, just like an artist can change a color or composition if it is not working.
To reach a level of sophistication in playing with consciousness, it’s required to take an inward journey to face the immature and destructive attitudes you have about yourself, much like an artist needs to study and understand art before he can create a masterpiece.
Since you are a powerful being whom Source has endowed with creating your reality through thought, how you perceive yourself is of utmost importance, much like an artist’s perception of himself is important. Your perception of yourself influences what decisions you make, much like an artist’s perception of himself influences what he creates. The choices you make in life are a big determination on the experiences you have, much like an artist’s choices of color, composition and techniques determine the final piece.
Your Internal GPS
Your Feelings are Your Users Guide to Being Human
The less connected we are to our emotions, the more we tend to be destructive to ourselves, each other, and to nature, much like a storm without a barometer. Without emotions, life is like a bitter pill, pointless and we feel powerless, much like a car without fuel.
We tend to be destructive when we can’t feel, much like a volcano without an eruption. This is why there are so many narcissists in the world today, they have shut down their emotions, and they don’t have empathy or compassion, they are just like a robot without a heart.
They only care about themselves, and they don’t feel the consequences of their actions. They don’t feel the pain they cause, they don’t feel the love they miss, they don’t feel anything, and that’s the most destructive thing of all.
Your feelings are like a GPS system, they are your most accurate form of intelligence, precisely because they help you navigate the world around you. They help you read the vibration of the emotions that are present around you, much like a GPS helps you read the map. When you are in a neutral space of observation, you can trust what you feel, much like how you trust your GPS.
Keep in mind that your feelings, thoughts, and emotions are just energy systems, no matter whether you judge them as good or bad. They are like the fuel that powers your body, mind, and spirit.
But also, be mindful that the labels you assign to your experiences matter, because some labels can create resistance in you to observing and being with a particular emotion or feeling, much like how the wrong label on a map can lead you to the wrong destination.
When you reorient your perspective to see the beauty in all things, great and small, you begin to get an inkling of how miraculous being in physical form really is, much like how a traveler marvels at the beauty of a new place.
You are being directed by love at every turn to realize ever-increasing levels of what you are capable of, much like how a GPS guides you to your destination. When unpleasant events occur, it is because you are being guided, and when the experience is traumatic, you are being pushed to wake up to an unconscious operating system that has led to a disconnection from the heart, much like how a GPS will reroute you when there is traffic. But if you were to observe even the tiniest shadow, then no earth-shaking trauma need occur, much like how a GPS can help you avoid traffic if you pay attention to it.
If you have ever wished there was a user’s guide to being human, then we have good news for you: Your feelings are your guide, much like how a GPS is your guide on the road. They will take you on a journey of self-discovery, and help you navigate the ups and downs of life. Trust them, and they will lead you to a greater understanding of who you are and what you are capable of.
Scientific Proof Emotions are Essential to Manifestation Mastery
Candace Pert, Ph.D., an award-winning scientist, discovered that our emotions create our reality through neuropeptides and receptors, which are everywhere in our bodies—in the brain, in the gut, in the heart, in the cells, everywhere. This is how we direct reality. She writes:
“The neuropeptides and receptors, the biochemicals of emotion, are, as I have said, the messengers carrying information to link the major systems of the body into one unit that we can call the body-mind. We can no longer think of the emotions as having less validity than physical, material substance, but instead must see them as cellular signals that are involved in the process of translating information into physical reality, literally transforming mind into matter. Emotions are the nexus between matter and mind, going back and forth between the two and influencing both.”
When you are directed by this internal brilliance, you operate in unity consciousness, naturally. You are in tune with yourself, and you understand that everything is interconnected. When you are aware of how you feel, you can recognize that hurting another person, animal or nature also hurts you, much like how hitting your thumb with a hammer hurts your whole hand. Loving another person, animal or nature is really loving yourself, because you are all part of the same interconnected web of life.
Everything you do initiates a ripple of energy through the unified field that connects everyone and everything, much like how a pebble thrown in a pond creates ripples. We are all connected, and when you practice unity consciousness, you send ripples of love and abundance that eventually mirrors that energy into your reality, much like how the ripples of the pebble eventually reach the shore.
When you habitually judge or condemn others, you send a ripple of energy that reflects war, poverty, and toxic reality, much like how a stone thrown in a pond creates ripples of tension and conflict. This is because judgment and condemnation create separation, and separation creates a lack of understanding and empathy. But when you practice unity consciousness, you send ripples of love and understanding that bring people together, and that energy eventually mirrors in your reality, creating a harmonious and peaceful world.
The Practices
Tame the Beast
The Tame the Beast Technique is a powerful tool to help you transform negative emotions such as hate, rage, irritation, and envy. It’s a visualization exercise that helps you communicate with your subconscious patterns and change them. Here is a step-by-step guide to the Tame the Beast Technique:
Start by breathing through your diaphragm with slow, rhythmic breaths. Do this for 2 minutes. Make sure your breath is silent.
2. Imagine your atoms or cells vibrating a bright yellow. With every exhale, imagine the color yellow expands into every cell and organ until the yellow color is two feet or 60 centimeters around you in all directions.
- Then imagine the emotional expression of hate as a lion. Push all that rage, hate, irritation, envy-whatever emotion of hate shows up and stuff it inside the image of a lion. We use a lion because there are symbolic references the subconscious recognizes, and it communicates directly to the subconscious patterns which are causing you pain.
- Next, imagine you are standing next to the lion, and you have an infinity symbol above your head. The infinity symbol communicates to the subconscious that you assume your authority as a creation from Source to tame your emotions
You then stick your hand inside the lion’s mouth as a symbol of having tamed that beast.
Now imagine a band of roses going around your waist and the lion’s neck in the form of an infinity symbol. This is another important symbol understood by the subconsciousness. The infinity symbol communicates your recognition of being immortal and an emanation of Source, and the roses indicate a process of purification of your desire nature. The desire to tame wild emotions from the vibration of hate is a powerful step toward purification.
It’s important to keep in mind that this is an exercise of transmutation, not suppression. Don’t suppress your emotions; they will come out in an unexpected and unconscious way. For example, if you suppress your anger, it will come out in unconscious acts of cruelty or alcoholism.
It takes 400 repetitions to change a deeply worn pattern in your subconscious. You may have to repeat Tame the Beast often until the old pattern is resolved.
The Reversal Technique is another powerful tool to help you transform negative emotions. This technique is based on the idea that the opposite of a negative emotion is a positive one. When you feel a negative emotion, focus on the opposite positive emotion, and imagine it growing stronger and stronger.
Both the Tame the Beast Technique and the Reversal Technique are effective tools for transforming negative emotions. It’s important to practice them regularly and be patient with the process. Change takes time, but with consistent practice, you’ll be able to tame the beast within and live a more peaceful and fulfilling
The Reversal Technique
Reversing isn’t avoidance, it transforms the collective emotions. It is a service to humanity.
The Reverse Tool is a technique that helps you transform negative emotions by replacing them with positive ones. It’s based on the idea that the opposite of a negative emotion is a positive one. Here is a step-by-step guide to the Reverse Tool:
1. Allow your emotions to well up with love by bringing to mind someone or something you truly love. It could be a loved one, a pet, a place, or an activity that brings you joy.
2. Take that feeling of love and put it in the negative idea, thought, or feeling. Imagine the negative emotion being replaced by the positive emotion of love.
3. Repeat this process as often as necessary until the negative emotion is replaced by the positive one
It’s important to remember that the conscious reversal of the lower mass mind is serious and necessary work. The shift in reviving our planet depends on how many of us do it. By transforming negative emotions and replacing them with positive ones, we can create a more harmonious and peaceful world for ourselves and for others.
It’s also important to note that it might take some time to see results. It’s a process of transformation and requires patience and consistency. But with practice, you’ll be able to shift your negative thoughts and emotions to positive ones, and this will lead to a more fulfilling and joyful life.