Fulfillment is Spiritual
In this post, we will look at the significance of fulfillment in living your best life, and how desire is the way forward. When you are fulfilled, you have not agendas, no pettiness, no resentments, no guilt, no shame, just a feeling of purpose and complete wellness.
When you feel fulfilled, you light up every room you enter. Your mere presence inspires others. You naturally become more kind and understanding. Others are drawn to you.

In contrast, being unfulfilled makes you grumpy, impatient, angry, petty, resentful, callous, and calculating.
When you are fulfilled, you radiate a joy that is contagious. Eventually, the vibration of fulfillment is reflected in your outer experience of reality too. When it does, the world changes also. Every experience you have begins to reflect the vibration of fulfillment: more abundance, more kindness, more love.
There is an Indelible Connection Between Love and Desire
Desire and spirituality are very misunderstood topics. You’ve probably read somewhere to be spiritual; you must stamp out your desire nature. Unfortunately, when you attempt to divorce yourself from desire you find yourself completely disconnected from life. There is an indelible connection between love and desire. You can’t remove one without removing the other.

The only way to be free of desire, which is the goal, is to be fulfilled. The trick is to purify your desire nature and seek genuine fulfillment.
True Desire isn’t an Obsessive Need to Fill a Void
True fulfillment is not an obsessive need to fill a void within. Responding to the urge to fill a void does not result in fulfillment. When you don’t address the underlying emotions that generate the emptiness, you live in a realm of a self-made prison. True fulfillment isn’t possible in that realm.
To harness your desire nature for fulfillment, you must first understand the true motivation behind your desire. Find out if you are filling a void, stuffing an emotion or reaching for true fulfillment.
As each of us vibrate with fulfillment, we radiate that feeling to all corners of the universe. The universe mirrors that feeling, increasing your well-being one-hundred-fold.
Since we are all connected, it raises the vibration for all life. It even has a positive effect on planet earth. It opens the door to unlimited dimensions of beauty with ever increasing levels.
When you are fulfilled, you become a central sun radiating beauty, healing, inspiration to all. What could be more spiritual than that?