Part One: It’s All Energy
In this fast-paced and seemingly solid world we inhabit, it’s easy to forget that everything around us is composed of energy. Atoms, the building blocks of matter, are predominantly energy, with a minuscule fraction dedicated to physical substance. This realization opens up a profound understanding: the world we perceive as solid is, in fact, an energetic manifestation.
Consider your senses, through which you interact with the world. Your eyes translate light energy into sight, while your ears convert vibrations into sound. Touch is made possible by the electrical signals sent from your skin, and your brain decodes them into sensations. Even taste and smell are the result of the brain’s interpretation of molecules, which are essentially bound atoms. In essence, everything we perceive is ultimately energy in various forms.
Part Two: YOU
Amidst this extraordinary cosmos, you, dear reader, are an awe-inspiring creation. The culmination of billions of years of evolution, you possess self-consciousness and a unique personality. Reflect for a moment: what would you be without the life force that animates your being? The answer is simple—you would cease to exist.
The life force within you is sacred and essential. It grants you vitality and purpose. Your physical body is merely a vessel, a temporary abode for this life force. While the physical world is subject to decay, the life force itself is eternal. When one vessel perishes, the life force continues its journey, seeking another vehicle to express itself.
Part Three: The Universe is Mental
Now, armed with the knowledge that everything is energy and that you are a sacred being, let’s delve into the power of consciousness. Consciousness is an inherently creative force. As a self-aware being, you possess the ability to direct your subconscious mind through emotions and the mental images you hold. Your consciousness has the power to shape your environment.
However, there are forces in the world that seek to manipulate and control. Greedy individuals with cold hearts craft a world of division, suffering, and hate, using various means, including media manipulation and harmful policies. When you experience suffering, negative thoughts and emotions arise and unintentionally contribute to the creation of a discordant environment. The world becomes a mirror, reflecting the collective state of mind.
Yet, there is a path to liberation. By understanding and living in accordance with Cosmic Law, you can transcend the influence of the lower, unevolved mass mind. Cosmic Law aligns you with the energy of creation, which is united, loving, and inclusive. Living by these laws brings forth abundance, both material and spiritual, drawing from an inexhaustible source. In this state, the manipulative forces cannot touch you.
Embracing your identity as the sacred and immortal Life Force is the first step toward comprehending Cosmic Law. The very energy that birthed the universe resides within you, capable of healing, transformation, and manifestation. It holds the solutions to every problem you encounter.
Beyond this foundational understanding lies the exploration of the Law of Polarity and the Law of Equilibrium. Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Essenes, grasped the wisdom of Cosmic Law, and their insights can guide us in navigating the uncertainty of the present world.
In conclusion, suffering is not inevitable. By aligning yourself with the Life Force and Cosmic Law, you can thrive. You possess the power to become the maker and framer of a world rooted in healing, revival, vitality, and love. Embrace the knowledge that the universe is mental, and let it empower you on your remarkable journey of self-discovery and transformation.